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July 2021

  • Jill (Scripps Graduate Student) will be joining us for a rotation. She was previously a technician with Garret Stuber’s lab at University Washington in Seattle.

  • Anna, Shawn, and Jennifer are taking the NeuroMatch course

June 2021

  • A big welcome to our two newest interns, Shaylee Xie & Praveen Nair!

  • Congratulations to UCSD PhD student Jennifer Jensen for passing her Minor Prop exam. The virtual format this year is more challenging, and she did great!

  • Shawn Tan presented his latest results on olfactory arousal state evaluation to the Odor2Action behavior subgroup. Thanks to everyone for their helpful questions and feedback

  • Welcome to Khukheper Awakoaiye. He joins us as a summer intern from Howard University. He will be working with Shawn to study olfactory driven arousal states.

May 2021

  • Anna and Sourish previewed awesome new work from the Scott lab in Neuron: Less is More: Hormonal-induced decrease in brain activity is required for associative learning Link

  • Shawn presented his latest data on olfactory behavior at the San Diego Olfactory Group meeting

  • Lisa met fabulous scientists speaking at The International Research Training Group 2150 – The Neuroscience of Modulating Aggression and Impulsivity in Psychopathology. (Virtual)

April 2021

  • Congratulations to Jingyi Chen (Scripps Biology Graduate Program) for successful completion of her PhD thesis and defense. Awesome job Dr. Chen!​

  • ​Jingyi Chen is starting a post-doc with Michael Bruchas in Seattle. We will miss her, but are excited to see what she does next.

  • Now online at Nature: “Flexible scaling and persistence of social vocal communication”. Thanks to Jingyi, Sandy, Pete, Jason, and Jennifer from the Stowers Lab as well as our collaborators Jeff Markowitz & Bob Datta (Harvard) and Varoth Lilascharoen & Byung Kook Lim (UCSD). Everyone did a fabulous job to study circuits that underlie emotional affect of social sounds.

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